Precizika L18 Photoelectric Incremental Encoder
L18 Photoelectric Incremental encoder (L18, L18B, L18C, L18T)
The sealed linear encoder L18 is used to convert linear displacements of key machine components into electrical signals containing information about the value and direction of the displacement.
The encoder consists of a glass scale installed into a rigid hollow housing and a ball-bearing-guided reading head. To be able to work in harsh environments (lubricants and chips), the encoder has sealing lips.
Filtered air can be supplied into the housing of the encoder for extra protection.
The photoelectric unit of the reading head generates sinusoidal micro-current or TTL square-wave (standard RS422) output signals.
Applications include Robotics, Medical Equipment, Retrofitting, Coordinate Measuring Machines, Turning Machines, CNC Drilling Machines, Electronic Industry, High Precision Machine Tools and Maintenance.
Manufactured by Precizika based in Lithuania